Giftideasoo's Help Center: [email protected] - Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM ~ 6:00 PM (PST)

Christmas Order Cut-off Date: Nov 26, 2023

Refund Policy


To be eligible for a refund, your item must be:

  • unused
  • in the original condition that you received it
  • in its original packaging

To protect all of our customers and ensure that every refund is dealt with fairly, we cannot accept a refund in the following circumstances:

  • Items that are damaged, missing parts, are not in their original condition, or show obvious signs of use for reasons other than our error will not be refunded.
  • Products that have been subjected to excessive wear and tear. Products vary, but excessive wear and tear are generally considered if the product is nearing the end of its useful life or appears to be heavily worn.
  • Products that do not have a label or have a label that has been defaced.

Please keep in mind that we will not refund orders that could not be shipped to the destination due to an incorrect or undeliverable address. It is the customers’ responsibility to review their shipping address and information for accuracy before completing the purchase.

REFUND PROCESS  (if applicable)

Please contact us at [email protected] to start the return and refund process

We can only start the refund process once we received your return items. Please return the product to us first. For more information, please read our Return Policy

Once we received your returned items, we will notify you whether your refund has been approved or rejected.

If the claim is approved, your refund will be processed and a credit will be applied to your credit card or original method of payment within 5-7 business days of receiving returned products (excluding holidays and weekends).


If you haven’t received your refund after we notified you, please double-check your bank account first.

Second, you can contact your credit card company; your refund may take some time to be officially posted.

Finally, please contact your bank. Before a refund is posted, there is usually some processing time.

If you’ve done all of this and still haven’t received your refund, please let us know via [email protected]


If you successfully placed an order but have not yet received it, even though the tracking status indicates that it has been delivered. You should contact the carrier to locate your Bags because once the item is bagged, we have no control over it (once it is in the hands of the carrier), but if the problems persist, please email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to assist you.

Tracking information is not always available. This could be due to technical issues that prevent the tracking information from being updated on the app. In such cases, please contact us if you are still unable to locate your item.
